Uncategorized Nov 02, 2020

Low Self-Esteem and How it Affects Your Wellbeing


What is Self Esteem?

Self-esteem is how we value or fundamentally think about ourselves. When we think highly of ourselves then we have high self-esteem and when we think bad of ourselves we have low self-esteem. Now, this esteem stuff can vary depending on where we are in our lives. Often if we have had a challenging time then it can directly impact on our self- esteem and self-worth.


How self-esteem directly impacts your ability to manage stress and anxiety

If you already have the belief that you are not good enough, that you don’t deserve to be happy/healthy/wealthy, if you already have the belief that you are not loved or you are not worthy then these are the limiting beliefs that will create your day-to-day internal dialogue. You know - that little voice in your head that often shares way too much? J


You have 60-80 thousand thoughts every single day and on a daily basis those thoughts are perpetuating. Those thoughts over time are what drive you into a state of having high or low self-esteem.


Now, here's the interesting thing…

Every single client that I have had and treated (for anxiety and other things) has had one or more of those beliefs. When you repeat those very limiting beliefs over and over in your own mind you are creating massive stress in your physical body, and eventually you will feel like these beliefs are actually your own reality.


Your body listens to every single word that you have. If you are talking to yourself in a negative way, your body hears you. Would you talk to your best friend the way that you talk to yourself? 


Read that again. 


Over time those negative thoughts about yourself play out as what we call “self-esteem”,

and then life traumas and events add to the stress in your body. And because you don’t think that you are worth anything more, you will allow this stress to envelope your whole body day after day which soon creates mass anxiety.


If you have high self-esteem then what happens?

You believe that you are worthy and as soon as events, traumas and challenges come along, you seek support, manage your own emotional state, speak kind words to yourself and find a solution to what is causing you the pain. 


Can you imagine thinking and feeling so highly of yourself that you did everything that you could to keep yourself stress free, happy, healthy and loved from the inside out?


Can you visualise having so much self-esteem that you would never allow yourself to get bullied by a friend, colleague or partner ever again?


How would it be for you to value yourself so much that you knew that you were worth earning a certain income for?


Where would anxiety be if you knew that you thought so much of yourself that you would meditate every day and practice extreme self-care to help to keep you calm and controlled?


How much better would you be able to deal with life's challenges if you really knew that you were good enough, that you were worthy and that you are loved and lovable?


Start to work on your self-esteem in a way that you become your own cheerleader. Celebrate you for being you, with your perfect imperfections, with your body exactly the way that it is, with you being where you are - and know that all will be ok. 


I feel you, I acknowledge you and I support you.


Please get in touch if you'd like more information


Love and light

Adele-Marie xx




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