New Beginnings

Uncategorized Feb 16, 2022

I love a new beginning, do you?

People generally don’t like change so the thought of a new beginning maybe daunting to you, but, actually it can be totally refreshing.


What does a new beginning even mean? Well to me it’s a new way of being, a new chapter, an opportunity to reinvent ourselves. An opportunity to upgrade and advance what we think and how we behave. 


What does a new beginning mean to you?
Well here is what it could mean and how it would appear in your life;


A new kinder way of talking to yourself, this would result in you feeling calmer and more connecting. You would be able to enjoy life more as you would be allowing yourself to embody the richness of life.


A new daily forgiveness practice.  This would show up as you being easier on yourself when you made a mistake therefore your energy would improve.


A new and improved way of eating.  You would no longer sabotage your health with food and you would more easily find peace with your physical body.


A New exercise plan which would help you to feel stronger physically which would undoubtedly impact your mental and emotional resilience.


A New morning meditation practice, which would show up in your ability to remain calm and centred, especially when you have got lots on.


You see a new beginning doesn’t have to be all about a new home, a new partner or a new country.  I truly believe that we don’t have to literally restart our whole lives to experience the wonder of a ‘new beginning ‘ we can create a few small practices that over time will initiate something that feels a long way from where you were.  The magic is in the intention.  The magic is in the desire, the magic is inside of YOU.  You don’t have to have a new fancy car or job you can consciously create a new beginning for yourself.


I recently had the realisation that I had dropped back into some old patttersn of being very unkind to myself. I was giving myself such a hard time.  Oh wow , I hadn’t realised how  much that was impacting my energy, my ability to communicate, my ability to experience joy in my day to day life and my own self worth.

So my new beginning is a new beginning of a new upgraded level of self acceptance, kindness and awareness.  I am fully embracing my new beginning and it feels really good.  I also made sure that it was truly cemented into my unconscious mind through hypnosis too and I feel a whole load lighter and less weighted down.


So, my question is to you; now spring is on its way and we are at the ideal time of year when new beginnings are created (no its not New Years Eve) its NOW!  What NEW beginning are You going to commit to, what would you lie to create for yourself ? Would you like more inner peace? More self worth ? Higher levels of self esteem? A sense of calm and confidence?


With a simple new beginning anything is possible?


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