Boost your energy, enjoy your life and let go of your inner critic!

Adele-Marie | Neuro-Somatic Educator
Boost your energy, enjoy your life and let go of your inner critic!

Boost your energy, enjoy your life and let go of your inner critic!


Stop wasting your energy and vitality and let go of the self-judgment


Every single time you negatively judge yourself, your vital energy levels drop. 

So many of us, especially, but not exclusively, women, give themselves a tough time, especially when it comes down to physical appearance.


Judgement to some degree is, of course, helpful.


We do need to discern where we are, how we are feeling and of course if we are feeling or looking ‘healthy and well’.

However, if you have constant and consistent self-judging thoughts, things like;

what others are thinking of you, the worry that you may have gained or even lost a few pounds or if you ‘have the right look’, for the organisation or role that you are currently working in, this can be totally disempowering.

In fact, these unhelpful thoughts can become overwhelming, which ultimately, impact your ability to enjoy...

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