What is REBIRTH?

Uncategorized Dec 10, 2021

What is REBIRTH?


Rebirth is an opportunity to recreate. To choose who you become. To be the spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically upgraded version of yourself.


When you access powerful new beliefs, advanced ways of thinking, tools to upgrade your physical self and a brand new connection with your spiritual self; you have a recipe for greatness.


It is time to let go of old thinking, unresourceful habits and judgemental inner critique and truly embody who you are.


I truly believe that when we integrate holistic practises, permanent, life changing and exciting transformations can happen in a short period of time.


It is time to take care of your energetic wellbeing - vibrational health


Who do you want to become in 2022?

What do you want to fill your year with?

What will you believe about yourself?

What new things do you want to discover?


I am beyond excited to announce the Rebirth Retreat.

21st-24th January

Oakmead, Sharnbrook


Yoga and movement  - Allows you to be fully 'in' your physical body, arrive and BE.

Meditation - To allow you to explore, nurture and cultivate your thoughts, enabling you to thrive.

Hypnosis - Deeper levels of change can be accessed through unconscious reprogramming, super relaxing.

Sound healing - Shift vibrationally through the use of medicine music.


Maybe you feel stuck and not sure which way to go, perhaps you feel like you’d like to detox your body and clear your mind.

A retreat is an amazing opportunity to 'find your tribe’. You can make connections which will last a life time, laugh, love, connect, sing, dance, yoga, eat, pray and love...


The Rebirth Retreat will have you feeling vibrant, connected, focused, energised, motivated, and so much more.


Start the new year with a commitment and promise to yourself and experience a powerful transformation and great awakening. Now is your time.

Love & light,




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