Celebrating YOU!

Uncategorized Mar 21, 2022

How much time do you spend celebrating how amazing YOU are?

Listen here my love, you are insanely amazing. The chances of you being born were 1 in 400 trillion, but here you are! GET THAT! 

You are often hard on yourself and I KNOW that you are your own worst critic. It’s just the way that we are, the way that society has us believing that we are less than, believing that we are not good enough, that we are not worthy of the very best in life. Well my love that needs to stop NOW! 

It is time that we started to celebrate ourselves, celebrate each other and celebrate those around us - especially those who are feeling like they don’t have much to celebrate. Our true acceptance of ourselves spills over to those around us, our families and our children, it creates a ripple effect, an upward spiral.

I believe that with so many crazy things happening in the world right now, we need to change the way that we conduct ourselves. The way that we relate to ourselves holds energy and when we rise, when we uplift and celebrate ourselves, it sends ripples out into the universe. 

March is the month of celebration in our family. With mine and my brother’s birthday being on the same day, my daughter’s birthday and my mum’s birthday all within 8 days of each other. I was lucky enough to host a day on march 10th where I was celebrated. I also just spent the weekend fully immersed in the sisterhood of Rebekah Shaman celebrating her 50 years of existence. She had such a powerful ceremony, totally conscious and every single woman came together to share stories, cook food and hug, heal and love. My heart is full, overflowing in fact. 

For centuries women have come together to lean in to each other to celebrate each other, to hold space for each other and to fan each others flames. More recently in our society I feel we have seen insecurities and wounds create a bullying culture, especially on social media and this has to stop! Right now. WE have to take responsibility to heal, to be kind to ourselves and to project kindness and acceptance, self love and celebration onto our children who will one day be responsible for this epic planet and its inhabitants. Let’s commit to creating communities of loving and kind people, starting with ourselves. Let's learn and commit to celebrating the individual, quirky and imperfectly perfect gods and goddesses that we truly are….it starts with YOU!  

How are you going to celebrate yourself this week?

Invest some time into your own wellbeing and allow your journey of true celebration to unfold…


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